Legal Notice

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), we inform users of our identifying and contact details:
Name or Corporate Name: LAB NOMA S.L.
Trade Name: The Today Project
Registered Office: Av. Via Augusta 15-25, Parc Empresarial @Sant Cugat, 08174, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
NIF: B16696072
Registration Details: This company is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume: 47962 Folio: 144 Page: 567654 Entry: 1
Data Protection Officer: PYMELEGAL, S.L.


LAB NOMA S.L. (hereinafter also the provider), as the entity responsible for the website, makes this document available to users, which regulates the use of this website. We aim to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, as well as inform all users of the terms and conditions for using and navigating this website.

Through this website, LAB NOMA S.L. provides users access to various services and content available through the website.

Any person accessing this website will be considered a user (hereinafter, the user), implying the full acceptance, without reservations, of all provisions included in this Legal Notice, as well as any other applicable legal provisions.

The user must carefully read this Legal Notice, recommending its review before visiting the website, and each time they access it, to be aware of any changes the provider may have made. In this sense, the provider reserves the right to modify these terms without prior notice, and it is sufficient to publish the changes on this website. The most recent conditions will always apply, overriding any previous ones.


This Legal Notice informs users of the conditions governing access and use of this website, considered general contracting conditions.

2.1. Free nature of access and use of the website.

The provision of services by LAB NOMA S.L. on this website is free for all users. However, some services provided through this website may be subject to a specified price. In such cases, the user will always be informed about the paid nature of certain services, requiring prior contracting and applying the general sales conditions on the website, as well as current consumer regulations.

2.2. User registration.

In general, the provision of services offered on this website does not require prior subscription or user registration. However, the provider may condition the use of some services on the completion of user registration, as expressly indicated in the relevant service section. The processing of personal data resulting from registration or subscription will be governed by our Privacy Policy.

2.3. Accuracy of the information.

All information provided by the user through this website must be truthful. To this end, the user guarantees the authenticity of the data communicated through the contact forms provided. The user is responsible for keeping all information provided to LAB NOMA S.L. permanently updated, ensuring it reflects their real situation at all times. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for the damages caused to the provider or third parties.

2.4. Minors.

LAB NOMA S.L. recommends using this website by individuals over 18 years of age. Minors must always obtain prior consent from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives to use the services on this website, who are ultimately responsible for all acts carried out by the minors in their charge. The responsibility for determining the specific content accessed by minors lies with these individuals. Thus, if minors access inappropriate content on the Internet, mechanisms (filters, blocks, etc.) must be configured on their computers or mobile devices to limit the available content.

2.5. User obligations.

The user agrees to use this website in accordance with these Conditions, the law, morals, and good customs. To this effect, the user will refrain from using this website for illegal or prohibited purposes, detrimental to the provider's rights and interests, other users, and third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, or impede the normal use of computer equipment, documents, files, and any content stored on any computer equipment of the provider or third parties.

In particular, and not limited to, the user agrees not to transmit, disseminate, or make available to third parties any information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound files, images, photographs, recordings, software, and in general, any kind of material that:

  • Is contrary to, disparages, or violates constitutionally recognized fundamental rights and public freedoms, international treaties, and other current regulations.

  • Induces, incites, or promotes criminal, denigrating, defamatory, violent actions, or actions contrary to law, morals, and public order.

  • Induces, incites, or promotes discriminatory actions, attitudes, or thoughts based on gender, race, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation, or condition, among others.

  • Is contrary to the right to honor, personal or family privacy, or the personal image of individuals.

  • In any way undermines the credibility of the provider or third parties.

  • Constitutes illicit, misleading, or unfair advertising.


The content of this website is general and provided solely for informational purposes, without fully guaranteeing access to all content, its completeness, correctness, validity, or currency, nor its suitability or usefulness for a specific objective.

The provider disclaims any liability arising from the information published on this website, provided that such information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside the provider's control.

This website has been reviewed and tested to work correctly. However, the provider does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors or that force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances may make website access temporarily impossible.

The provider excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind arising from:

  1. The inability to access the website or the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, and/or timeliness of the content, as well as the existence of defects of any kind in the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, or accessed through the website or the services offered.

  2. The presence of viruses or other elements in the content that may cause alterations in computer systems, electronic documents, or user data.

  3. Non-compliance with laws, good faith, public order, usage, and this Legal Notice as a result of incorrect website use. In particular, the provider is not responsible for third-party actions that infringe intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, rights to honor, personal and family privacy, and personal image, as well as the regulations on unfair competition and illegal advertising.

The provider does not guarantee the continuous and permanent availability of services, thus exonerating itself from any liability for possible damages caused by service unavailability due to force majeure or errors in telematic data transfer networks beyond its control, or for disconnections made for maintenance or system improvement work. The provider is not responsible for the interruption, suspension, or termination of information or services. Additionally, it is not responsible for potential omissions, loss of information, data, improper access, or confidentiality breaches arising from technical, communication problems, or human errors caused by third parties or not attributable to the provider. The provider will not be liable for damages caused by computer attacks or viruses affecting computer programs, communication systems, or devices used by the provider but manufactured or supplied by a third party. The provider may, at its discretion, deny, withdraw, suspend, and/or block access to information and services at any time, without prior notice, to users who do not comply with these conditions.

Under no circumstances is the provider responsible for damages arising from the illegal or improper use of this website.

In any case, the provider excludes any liability for damages that may be due to information and/or services provided or supplied by third parties other than those offered by the provider. All responsibility falls on the third party, whether provider, collaborator, or other.


This website may include links or hyperlinks that allow users to be redirected to third-party websites and Internet pages that are beyond the provider's control. Since we cannot always control the content introduced by third parties on their websites, LAB NOMA S.L. does not assume any responsibility for such content. In any case, the provider declares that it will immediately remove any content that may contravene national or international law, morals, or public order, proceeding to the immediate removal of the link to the external website and informing the relevant authorities of the content in question.

The provider is not responsible for the information and content stored, by way of example but not limited to, in forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks, or any other medium that allows third parties to publish content independently on the provider's website. However, in compliance with Articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider makes itself available to all users, authorities, and security forces, actively collaborating in the removal or, where appropriate, blocking of all content that may affect or contravene national or international law, third-party rights, or morals and public order. In the event that the user considers that there is any content that could be subject to this classification, please notify the website administrator as soon as possible.


This website, including but not limited to the programming, editing, compilation, and other elements necessary for its functioning, the designs, logos, text, photographs, and/or graphics, are the property of the provider, or if applicable, the provider has the license and/or authorizations granted by their authors for legitimate use. All website content is duly protected by applicable intellectual and industrial property regulations.

Regardless of the intended purpose, total or partial reproduction, use, distribution, and public communication require prior written authorization from the provider. Any unauthorized use by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual and industrial property rights of its legitimate owner.

Designs, logos, text, graphics, etc., not owned by the provider and that may appear on this website belong to their respective owners, who are responsible for any possible dispute that may arise concerning them. In any case, the provider has the express prior authorization from these owners for their use on this website.

The provider acknowledges the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favor of their holders, not implying their mention or appearance on the website of any rights or responsibility of the provider over them, nor any endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by the provider.


We inform you that LAB NOMA S.L. may be present on various social networks. The processing of the data that users include in these networks — by following the profiles of LAB NOMA S.L. or creating any link or connection through them — will be governed by this section of this Legal Notice. When the user is on the profile of LAB NOMA S.L. on the various social networks in which it has a presence, the terms of use and privacy policies of each social network will apply. LAB NOMA S.L. is not responsible for the comments that other users of social networks may post on the company's profile, without prejudice to any possible actions that LAB NOMA S.L. may take against the social network providers (e.g., requesting the removal of inappropriate, offensive, or harmful comments to other users' rights).

LAB NOMA S.L. will have access to the personal data that the user has published on their social network profiles, just as other social network users may have access to it.

The following content is prohibited from being published on LAB NOMA S.L.'s social network profiles, without prejudice to the conduct rules and terms of use of the service imposed by the owners of the different social networks:

  • Publications that violate applicable national, community, and international regulations, or involve illegal activities or contravene principles of good faith.

  • Publications that infringe upon individuals' fundamental rights and public freedoms, are discourteous on the network, disrespectful, or damaging to one's good name.

LAB NOMA S.L. also reserves the right to remove any content it deems inappropriate from its website or social network profiles.


The provider may obtain personal data from users through contact forms, registration forms, or other similar means. The user can obtain more information about the processing of their personal data in our Privacy Policy or by contacting the provider using the contact details contained in this Legal Notice and through the contact forms that, if applicable, have been enabled for this purpose.


This website uses its own and third-party cookies. For more information on what cookies are and how we use them, please refer to our Cookie Policy.


If any of the terms of this Legal Notice are declared null or ineffective by a final decision issued by a competent authority, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in force, unaffected by such declaration of nullity.


For the resolution of disputes or issues related to these terms, Spanish law will apply, and the courts of the provider's or the user's domicile, at the latter's choice, will have jurisdiction to resolve conflicts that may arise in interpreting and applying these conditions.

Last updated: Sept 19, 2024.